Our Data
Coverage & Advantages

At the heart of our approach is our proprietary data collection and control methodology. With an average of 14 sources of data collection, constant verification and stringent quality control for every data point listed on the website, we ensure that our clients receive accurate and timely information. This matched with our approach enables us to provide substantial support to our clients, offering a critical advantage in the face of constantly changing and volatile realty markets.

Data: Historical (2006 to date) & Forecast

Extensive real estate analytical data at the national and subnational level

P.E. Analytics provides comprehensive and extensive real estate data at the national and subnational/regional levels representing over 1,73,992 projects across 44 cities covering 61,812 developers.We add approximately 300 projects every month. Our clients can have access to the most up-to-date, comprehensive property data in a handy printed format. The key USP of the data is that on subscription the clients gain access to 100 months of proprietary catalogue data that aids in generation of historical trends and predictive analysis. Coverage and variables include:

  • Supply-Demand dynamics dated from year 2006 onwards
  • Vacancy trend for organized asset class supply in city
  • Rental value trend for organized asset class supply segments - classified between anchor and vanilla tenants
  • Capital value trend for organized asset class segments
  • Highlighting of upcoming / proposed organized asset class developments across city
  • %age development of small, medium and large scale residential developments – supply led and lots more.

These offerings are available to our clients via custom delivery or through Data Buffet, -our robust, web-based platform for extensive data manipulation and delivery.